We live life in all its fullness
​‘I have come to bring life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
Why Dove Holes Primary
What we value as a church school
When Jesus spoke the words: ‘I have come to bring life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) to his disciples; he had a vision for them that went beyond what they could see at that moment in time.
At Dove Holes C of E Primary School, we have that vision for all of our children. We want every lesson, every experience and every day in our school, to expose our children to an education without limits – full of the joy and abundance of life.
Our vision extends beyond the school gates, where we hope to see our community touched by the values lived by our pupils. We believe that in walking through life together we can flourish together, creating the best opportunities and outcomes for all.
This vision underpins everything that we do at our school. We believe that our Christian distinctiveness enhances our care and aspiration for every individual child, drives our goals for success and enables us to teach our children how to live well. We live out this vision through our school values:
To apply for a Primary School place, you can telephone Derbyshire Admissions on 08456 058 058 or apply online. Should you have any queries or if any of the information provided is not clear contact the Admissions and Appeals Team on 01629 537478.
Please call us to arrange a tour of our school.
The curriculum gifts that we give to our children...
Dove Holes Primary School in Numbers
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