We live life in all its fullness
​‘I have come to bring life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
School Uniform
Navy blue jumper, cardigan, or a sweatshirt either plain navy or with the school logo.
Plain red or plain white polo shirt or with the school logo.
Plain navy blue, black or dark grey skirt or trousers. (No jeans).
Safe, smart black footwear.
Gingham blue/white checked dress.
Smart black, dark grey or navy blue shorts.
School Uniform is available from Headmasters in New Mills, either online using the link below or from 32 Market Street, New Mills, SK23 4AE. Telephone 01663 744254.
PE Uniform
Each of these items below should be placed in a named drawstring bag to be left in school on the child’s coat peg. PE Bags are available to buy from Headmasters in New Mills.
Indoor Kit
Plain dark blue or black shorts
A navy and red t-shirt with school logo
Outdoor Kit
Plain dark blue or black jogging bottoms or leggings
Plain dark blue or black sweatshirt
Trainers for outdoors (barefoot indoors)